
A functional programming language written in Java.

Menter is a programming language that is built in Java, meaning that it can be run on any platform that supports Java. It has a strong emphasis on simplicity and ease of use.

This collection of pages is a guide and documentation to the Menter programming language. Start with the introduction of the Menter Guide to get a quick overview of the language and its features.

Introduction Menter Guide GitHub Download/Build Yan Wittmann Yan Wittmann

A Quick Sample

Here's a small program that creates an array, maps them to new values and filters them:

numbers = range(1, 4);;;filterFunction = x -> x > 4;;; -> x * 2).filter(filterFunction)

Main Features

Functional programming

Menter is a functional programming language, meaning that functions are first class citizens and can be passed around like any other value. It also supports higher order functions, meaning that functions can be passed to other functions and functions can return functions.

add = (a, b) -> a + b;;;apply(a, b, f) = f(a, b);;;apply(10, 5, add)

Useful operators

Menter takes the regular operators that most languages have and adds some exiting new feature on top:

10 |> x -> x * 2.21 >| round(1) # pipeline operator;;;[1, 2] :: [3, 4] # concatenation operator;;;a += 10 # compound assignment operator a **= 2 # with any operator;;;add = (+) # operator functions add(10, 5)

Object oriented programming

Menter also supports object-oriented programming. Custom type definitions are represented by functions that return a new object. These functions can be called with the new keyword.

Person = (name, age) -> { # properties declaration via $fields $fields: [name, age], # custom fields addAge: n -> { self.age += n } };;;Student = (name, age, matric) -> { # inheritance by calling one or multiple constructors $extends: Person(name, age), # properties declaration via key: value matric: matric };;;yan = new Student("Yan", 22, 123456) # instance creation

Module concept

To allow for multi-file projects, Menter supports modules. Modules can export symbols, which can then be imported by other modules. This allows for a clean separation of code and makes it easy to reuse code.

data = [] push = data.push pop = data.pop;;;export [push, pop] as list
import list inline;;;push(6);;;push(8);;;pop();;;pop()

Extensibility via Java

Menter is designed to be easily extensible via Java. You can add new functions, operators, types and more. Learn more about this in the Java section.

But, what is this language?

The main reason this language exists is to provide a simple, but powerful expression evaluator for the Launch Anything project. It is designed to be easy to use and to be able to be embedded into other projects.

Another reason is, that I have always been interested in compilers/interpreters and wanted to finally try and dip my toes into the topic by creating a simple programming language.
Seeing as I mainly am a Java developer, I decided to write it in Java. This was also supported by the fact that the Launch Anything project is also written in Java.

But to speak in buzzwords, Menter is a:
functional, single threaded, dynamically typed, interpreted, object oriented, garbage collected, statically scoped, expression based, programming language, that can be extended and adjusted for your needs with Java code.

Got you hooked? Get started with the introduction of the Menter Guide to get a quick overview of the language and its features.

© 2023 Yan Wittmann