Variable scope and Closure

Variable scope and closure are important concepts in programming, and Menter uses them to manage local variables and functions. In this documentation entry, we'll explain how Menter implements variable scope and closure, and how you can use it to create effectively private variables.

Variable Scope

Menter uses the standard scope system found in most languages, where a variable is only visible in the scope that it was created in (which is its closure). When accessing a local variable, Menter checks the current scope, then up through the parent scopes until the variable is found (or not).

New scopes are created on:

  • Function calls

  • Loop iterations

  • If statements

but NOT on:

  • Code blocks

Here's an example:

fun() { a = 1 print("works:", a) # works } fun();;;print("fails:", a) # fails

In this example, a is only visible inside the fun() function, and attempting to access it outside of that function will result in an error.


Menter is a language with first-class citizen functions, which means that it also supports closures. A closure is a persistent local variable scope, and it is created when a function is defined inside a code block. The function will remember the local variable scope that the original block had access to, and when the function is called from a different scope, the scope will temporarily be replaced by the scope the called function had access to.

Here's an example:

fun() { a = 8 () -> a };;;val = fun();;;a = 4;;;val();;;a

In this example, the anonymous function () -> a remembers the scope where a was visible, even though a should be lost when exiting the fun() function. When called, val() fully replaces the current scope with the one it was defined in for the duration of its evaluation. The outer scope and a are not used by the function.

Effectively private variables

Menter does not currently support creating custom types purely in Menter (only via Java, but we plan on changing that in the future), but you can still use closures to create effectively private variables.

Here's an example:

Person = (name, age) -> { = name private.age = age public.getName = () -> public.getAge = () -> private.age public.age = () -> private.age = private.age + 1 public.setName = name -> = name public.execute = (f) -> f(private) # defeats whole 'private' purpose, only for demo public };;;yan = Person("Yan", 22);;;yan.getName();;;yan.age();;;yan.execute(person -> = "Thomas")

So, what is happening here?

The Person constructor function has two local variables, public and private. The private object stores all attributes that should not be modifiable from the outside, the public object contains all functions that should be used to access that stored data.
Since the functions in public are all created inside the scope of the Person function, they can all access the private variables. As soon as the function is exited, only the public functions have access to the private variables.

When a Person is created, the fields are initialized and public is returned. You can now call these functions to access and modify the local variables.
The execute function, as the comment suggests, allows for accessing the private fields as if the scope was inside the Person function, since they are passed to the callback from inside the Person function.

This pattern of using closures to create effectively private variables is quite common in programming. It allows for encapsulating data and functions to create a clean and organized interface for interacting with that data. However, it's important to note that this does not provide true security or privacy as the data can still be accessed and modified if someone really wants to. It's more of a convention for organizing code and preventing accidental modification of data.