Conditions: if / else if / else

Branching is done using the if statement. The if statement is followed by a condition and a code block. If the condition is true, the code block is executed, if it is false, the code block is skipped.

The else if/elif and else statements are optional. They can be used to add more conditions and a default code block. Note that you can use either else if or elif, depending on your preference. I will be using the elif keyword.


if (condition) { ... } else if (condition) { ... } # java style elif (condition) { ... } # python style else { ... }

As with all expressions in the Menter language, newlines are optional. Example:

if (false) 1 elif (true) 2 else 3;;;if (false) 1 elif (true) 2 else 3

This also replaces the ternary operator from other languages:

result = if (false) 5 ** 10 else 5 + 10