For loop

Similar to Python, Menter does not know traditional indexed 'for' loops, only 'for each' loops.


for (variable in iterable) { ... };;;for (variable : iterable) { ... }

With each iteration, the variable is assigned the next value from the iterable. Anything that is iterable can also be looped over by calling the forEach method:

iterable.forEach(x -> { ... })

continue and break

The continue and break keywords work exactly as in other languages.

break will break out of the current loop, continue will skip the current iteration and continue with the next one, if there is one.

numbers = [];;;for (i in range(1, 10)) { if (i == 5) continue if (i == 8) break numbers.push(i) } numbers

To learn more about how this works internally, read the chapter about value markers.


Anything that implements an iterator() method is iterable.

Iterators can be called manually and return themselves when called again.

It is recommended to have a local Menter server running whilst viewing some of the code boxes below, as the print output cannot be seen otherwise.


Let's go over some of the primitive types that are iterable:


Lists iterate over all contained elements:

sum = 0;;;for (i in [0, 1, 2]) sum += i;;;for (i in range(0, 2)) sum += i;;;range(0, 2).forEach(print)

If you need the index of the current element alongside the value, simply provide a parameter list with the size 2.

for ((index, value) in range(2, 4)) print(index, value);;;range(2, 4).forEach((index, value) -> print(index, value))


Since objects and lists are represented by the same data structure internally, their iterable works quite similar. When providing one variable as iterator parameter, only the values are returned. When providing two, the key is passed alongside the value.

obj = {a: 2, b: 8, c: 64};;;for (value in obj) print(value);;;for ((key, value) in obj) print(key, value)


Strings iterate over all their characters, in order of appearance.


Making your custom java type iterable

This chapter will assume you know how to create your own java type. To learn more about custom java types, see this section.

The only addition that has to be made to a type class is an iterator method. As with all function signatures, the method has to return a Value, which means that the iterator has to be wrapped inside a Value object before returning it.

@Override public Value iterator() { List<Value> items = Arrays.asList(new Value("hello"), new Value("world")); return new Value(items.iterator()); }

Or you can simply call the iterator method on another Value instance.

@Override public Value iterator() { return new Value(myValue).iterator(); }

A full class could look like this:

@TypeMetaData(typeName = "MyIterableType", moduleName = "test") public class MyIterableType extends CustomType { private List<Value> asStrings = new ArrayList<>(); public MyIterableType(List<Value> parameters) { super(parameters); } @TypeFunction public Value addValue(List<Value> parameters) { parameters.forEach(param -> asStrings.add(new Value(param.toString()))); return Value.empty(); } @Override public Value iterator() { return new Value(asStrings.iterator()); } }