Core language

Let's start with a quick overview of the core language. The following chapters are made to make you familiar with the syntax and principles of Menter.

A few things to note about the code boxes, as seen below:

  • You can make them interactive using a local Menter sever

  • Input code that spans multiple lines is indicated using | pipe symbols. This code is then sent to the server as a single input (but still as separate lines)

  • Hold down shift and press enter to enter multiple lines of code yourself

  • The result of an expression is displayed behind an ->

  • If the expression printed something to the output stream, it is displayed below the expression

foldl(funct, acc, list) { if (list.size() == 0) acc else foldl(funct, funct(list.head(), acc), list.tail()) };;;val = [1, 2, 3] |> foldl((*), 1);;;print("Result: " + val)

But now go check out the subchapters and start with Primitive Types by clicking the link or using the right arrow key.